Novel Coronavirus Advice for the Public
1. 远离传染源:避免近距离接触咳嗽、发热病人,避免到医院探望病人。
2. 避免前往人群密集的场所,家居及室内工作场所定期开窗保持空气流 通。
3. 注意个人卫生,咳嗽或打喷嚏时,用纸巾或屈肘遮住口鼻,勤洗手。
4. 外出时最好佩戴医用外科口罩,4 小时更换一次。商场、市场销售人员, 宾馆酒店服务员和公交车司乘人员要戴口罩。
5. 食物(尤其是肉和蛋类)要煮熟煮透,不接触和食用野生动物。
6. 增强免疫力,保证充足的睡眠,多喝水,勤锻炼。
7. 如有身体不适及时到正规医院就医,如实告知医生自己 14 天内的出行 史。
8. 确诊病例的密切接触者,遵医嘱居家或集中观察。
如有疑问,可拨打河南省卫生热线 0371-65951308咨询。
Novel Coronavirus (2019-nCoV) Advice for the Public
1. Stay away from the infection sources: avoid close contact with anyone who has fever and cough; don’t visit patients in hospital.
2. Avoid large crowds. Open windows at home and indoor workplaces regularly to improve the air circulation.
3. Pay close attention to your personal hygiene (cover nose and mouth when coughing and sneezing with tissue or flexed elbow and frequently wash your hands.)
4. Wear a surgical mask when going out and change it every 4 hours. Personnel from shopping malls, marketplace, hotel and bus should wear masks.
5. Thoroughly cook the food (especially meat and eggs); avoid contact and eating wild animals.
6. Get enough sleep; drink plenty of water and exercise regularly to maintain your health.
7. If you have fever, cough and difficulty breathing seek medical care early and share previous travel history within 14 days with the doctor.
8. If you have close contact with confirmed cases, you should stay at home or under intensive observation as advised by a physician. Inquiry hotline: 0371-65951308(Henan health hotline)